Director of Innovations development agency of Ulyanovsk region Albert Gataullin took part in the International Energy Forum (IEF 2021), held in Moscow - АНО "АИР" Агентство инновационного развития Ульяновской области

Important | 11.12.2021
Director of Innovations development agency of Ulyanovsk region Albert Gataullin took part in the International Energy Forum (IEF 2021), held in Moscow

The forum has been held since 2009. The format of annual meetings of Russian entrepreneurs in the energy industry, as well as their foreign colleagues, with the participation of the leadership of federal executive and legislative bodies, has established itself as a platform for an open dialogue between business and government, the formation of long-term partnerships, planning further steps to develop the fuel and energy industry, taking into account business opinions.

The purpose of the event is to reveal the strategic tasks facing the fuel and energy complex in the medium term, discuss ways to implement them in order to develop recommendations on priority areas of modernization and technological development of the fuel and energy complex. As well as its integration into the world economy, ensuring the safety of existing and ongoing infrastructure projects.