CDC, Center for the Development of Nuclear Innovation Cluster

of cluster


billion rubles
of investments


Nuclear Innovation Cluster was established in 2010 with most outspoken support of such interested institutions as the Authorities of Dimitrovgrad and Government of Ulyanovsk region, State corporation “Rosatom”, Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Ministry of Health and Social Development (FMBA). The key reason to found the cluster was to ensure cooperation between its largest members (Atomic Reactor Research Institute and FMBA) in creation of federal high-technology center of nuclear medicine, the project promoted by Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation.

 Main tasks of cluster cooperation with the long-term development strategy result from the areas of research and development related to the expansion of non-power applications of nuclear technology:

Power industry – expansion of international cooperation (primarily, in regards of MFFR and LBFR-100 projects), including the sphere of neutron radiation.

Radiation therapy (nuclear medicine) - cooperation of SRC Atomic Reactor Research Institute JSC with FMBA (joint research programs, industrial cooperation, and HR programs).

Material sciences - cooperation of SRC ARRI, State Corporation Rosnano, NRNU MEPhI, Scientific Research Center Kurchatov Institute, Nuclear cluster Skolkovo, and State Corporation Rostechnologies. The key project is creation of R&D Center of Material Sciences.

Technology transfer and increasing of nuclear technologies applications - creation of innovation zone of MiPlaza type (an open international center – a contact zone).

Besides, the cluster is aimed at the creation of infrastructures, research syndicates, research programs, “roadmaps” for each of the priority areas.

 Strong points of Nuclear Innovation Cluster:

Unique infrastructure base for leading researches and pilot projects. SRC ARRI is the only center in Russia and one of the few centers in the world which possesses such research reactors and materials and radiochemical laboratories that allow to find a complex solution to a wide range of tasks.

Rich experimental base: SRC ARRI has been operating since late 1950s. Due to this it possesses a significant number of experimental data related to neutron radiation, reactor materials, and all the adjacent areas.

Single-area research works allow SRC ARRI, to concentrate on its premises only highly qualified experts specializing in reactor materials science.

Proximity to three large centers. Dimitrovgrad is located closely to big cities: Ulyanovsk (619.8 k people) is 95 km away, Samara (1164.9 k people) is 160 km away, Togliatti (719.5 k people) is 100 km away. Dimitrovgrad is situated at the route of regional relevance – Saransk – Ulyanovsk – Dimitrovgrad – Samara. To facilitate the driveway of transit transport, an alternate route Ulyanovsk – Samara is being constructed now. Proximity to central cities of the region provides access to international airports: Kurumoch (Samara) and Ulyanovsk – Vostochny (Ulyanovsk). Moreover, it facilitates the process of hiring new specialists, particularly graduates from Samara, Togliatti and Ulyanovsk.

International cooperation of all types – starting with task teams and organizing committees on international projects, and ending with research and engineering works in accordance with international contracts and agreements. Moreover, MFFR project has been launched as the international one.

Large, nationwide project (Federal Center of Nuclear Medicine of FMBA). The total cost of the project equals to 14 billiard RUR (452 mln. USD). The Center is expected to treat people from all over the country: the project provides the first in Russia combination of two medical departments - proton and radionuclide cancer therapy.

Specialized city programs aimed at satisfying the cluster needs: experts have developed, approved and now are realizing the city and regional special-purpose program called “Development of engineering infrastructure of Zapadny district of Dimitrovgrad for 2010 through 2012”.

Strategies of city and regional development involving the creation and development of the cluster (“Strategy of social and economic development of the municipal unit “The city of Dimitrovgrad” up to 2025”, “Complex program of social and economical development of Dimitrovgrad, Ulyanovsk region, for 2011 through 2015”, “Improvement of investment climate and investment potential of Dimitrovgrad for 2012 through 2014”, the regional “Strategy of social and economical development of Ulyanovsk region till 2020”; articles concerning Nuclear Innovation Cluster are included into “Strategy of social and economical development of Privolzhsky federal district till 2020”). 

Guaranteed significant shares of public finance. SRC Atomic Reactor Research Institute takes part in a whole range of federal special-purpose programs (in particular, in the framework of “Scientific and teaching staff” FSP two research and education centers have been established as parts of Training and development center of nuclear engineering and medicine specialists). Besides, SRC Atomic Reactor Research Institute develops significant in RF technologies, the list of which is approved by President’s order No. 899 dtd July, 7th, 2011.