FSUE FCNMPDD FMBA Russia - АНО "АИР" Агентство инновационного развития Ульяновской области

Areas of interest

Federal unitary enterprise “Federal Center Of Nuclear Design And Development” of Federal Medical and Biological Agency

Oleg Kozin – Head of the enterprise

Main business lines of the centre are as follows:

    • Production of pharmaceuticals and medical products

Radioactive pharmaceuticals produced by the Federal center are of high quality and meet all the latest requirements of the regulatory documentation of the Russian Federation.

Among the customers of the centre’s products are large state enterprises of Russian Ministry of Health, FMBA, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

    • Research work

The Federal center develops and introduces into clinical practice innovation radioactive pharmaceuticals and medical products for diagnostics and treatment of socially significant diseases.

    • Design and construction

The Federal center develops design documentation (fully and in detail), carries out construction works and provides equipment for nuclear medicine facilities.

By now the centre has developed model projects of positron-emission tomography centers of various types, including centers and departments of radionuclide diagnostics and therapy.

The Federal center has obtained all the certificates necessary for performing design development and construction works of radiation dangerous objects.

Contact info:

46, Zhivopisnaya str.,

Moscow, Russia, 123098

Tel. / Fax: +7 (499) 196-01-00

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Website: http://www.fcpr.ru