Governor Morozov: “Small and medium businesses are a living foundation of the local economy, without which no further construction is of any use” - АНО "АИР" Агентство инновационного развития Ульяновской области

News | 21.08.2013


Head of the region has taken part in the Sixth meeting of Ulyanovsk entrepreneurs. The participants discussed interrelations between businesses and authorities, as well as relations in the business community itself.

As a result of the event, the Authorities and the business community of the Ulyanovsk region have signed the Charter of Cooperation and Mutual Respect.

“The Charter declares the obligations of entrepreneurs. These are the salary obligations to their employees: it’s time they stop complaining about the absence of qualified personnel – they need to start draining them away with higher wages. These are the ethic norms of fair competition: it has to be honest and legal. These are the anti-corruption principles of their relations with authorities: the briber is no less a convict than the one inducing to give it. The signing of the declaration is not just a beautiful action. It makes entrepreneurs overstep their private interests and pay more attention to the common ones. I understand, for those who has to take part in a fierce competition every day, it is very hard to do. But if you are not honest with yourselves, you will never be able to require the local authorities to be honest. Following the laws and ability to conversation are the obligations of the both sides who signed the Chart” – said the Governor.

Подписание Хартии


Download the Chart here.