Young Doctors Board established at Hospital No. 172 of FMBA. - АНО "АИР" Агентство инновационного развития Ульяновской области

News | 04.12.2013

An elective joint body will help young professionals not only feel support but also make a statement in the professional community, realize their potential in advanced methods of research and treatment, as well as in the sphere of scientific activities. Besides, the Young Doctors Board, together with the administration of the medical institution, will help the colleagues solve social problems.

Currently, more than 40 young doctors work at Federal State-Funded Healthcare Institution “Clinical hospital No. 172 of FMBA of Russia” (according to the Regulations, among them are the specialists aged up to 35). It is natural that they, people who are just starting their path in medicine or who have been working in this sphere for several years now, have ideas they would love to bring to life. This is the reason Young Doctors Board has been created. The administration of CH No. 172 initiated its establishment.