The museum began the festival of entertaining science "Science and Tricks" - АНО "АИР" Агентство инновационного развития Ульяновской области

Important | 11.12.2019
The museum began the festival of entertaining science "Science and Tricks".

The festival was organized by the Dimitrovgrad Museum of Local Lore in association with an initiative group, with the support of the ANO CRK.

The purpose of the festival: the popularization of science, the creation of a positive image of the museum as a technical museum, the popularization of the exact sciences, namely chemistry and physics, among the residents of Dimitrovgrad.

During the festival, young spectators will get acquainted with vivid experiments in physics and chemistry. They are displayed in the museum as spectacular tricks. But, unlike circus tricks, each program number was not based on sleight of hand, but one of the fundamental natural phenomena.

On the first day of the festival, more than 100 schoolchildren attended.

The festival has its own story. So, in June 2013, it was held at the museum with the participation of an exhibition and specialists from the Physical Kunstkamera Museum from Troitsk, Moscow Region and Cosmic Samara from Samara. About 1,500 people took part in it. In June 2014, the Science and Tricks festival was already held with the help of specialists from NIIAR and DITI NIIU MEPhI. The festival was attended by over 300 people. Support was provided by the Center for the Development of the Nuclear Innovation Cluster in Dimitrovgrad. The festival has become traditional and has been held several times.

Meetings during the festival will be held during December. The events will help to attract additional groups of visitors to the museum, increase the interest in exact sciences in children living in atomic cities, increase their educational level, and vocational guidance for school students.