Events dedicated to the Day of Russian Science promise to be interesting - АНО "АИР" Агентство инновационного развития Ульяновской области

Important | 04.02.2020

Events dedicated to the Day of Russian Science promise to be interesting.

On the eve of the holiday ANO "CRK" conducts a series of training seminars "Effective Presentation" for graduate students of educational institutions that are part of the cluster.

The main events will take place on 02/07/2020. This day will be eventful. So, together with the Museum of Local Lore of the city of Dimitrovgrad, the traditional festival "Science and Tricks" is planned. The purpose of the festival: the popularization of science, the creation of a positive image of a scientist, the popularization of the exact sciences, namely chemistry and physics. Within the framework of the project, young viewers will get acquainted with vivid experiments in physics and chemistry. The experiments are demonstrated as spectacular tricks. But, unlike circus tricks, each program number was not based on sleight of hand, but one of the fundamental natural phenomena.

The solemn meeting dedicated to the Day of Russian Science will be held on 02/07/2020 in the NCC named after Slavsky. The exhibition is scheduled to be held on the day of the solemn meeting. The expositions will present the main scientific developments and achievements of organizations that are part of the nuclear innovation cluster.