February, 6th, Mr. Gennady Sakharov, Head of Major Construction dpt., and Viacheslav Pershukov, Head of Innovations Management dpt. at SC Rosatom, held a business meeting finalizing the results of 2013 SRC ARRI investment program and discussing the plan tasks of 2014. A status report on construction sites within federal purpose programs “Nuclear and Radiation Safety” and “Nuclear Power Technologies of the New Generation” was given by Mr. Vladimir Svistunov, recently appointed Director Deputy at Major Construction Institute. In his report he stated that investment programs of 2013 were fully completed: tendering procedures for choosing contractors and suppliers held, project documentation for all of the units, except for MFRR, officially certified, engineering documentation for 2014 installation works released, permits for launch of construction given. Mr. Alexander Zvir, Head of MFRR dpt., reported on the status of installation of multifunctional fast research reactor on ARRI site. Heads of contracting organizations Elektrocentrmontazh JSC and Aliance-Gamma LLC reported on reconstruction works at ARRI units ensuring safe treatment of radwastes.