Construction of an indoor swimming pool - АНО "АИР" Агентство инновационного развития Ульяновской области

For participants

 The future sports center is designed for swimming competitions and training, for physical training, for recreational activities with the visitors, as well as for large-scale competitions.

Technical characteristics of the project:

Area – 1.174 ha

Total area of the building – 9866.86 m2


Pool for training – 120 people per session

Pool for children – 18 people per session

Viewing stand – 710 people.

The pool is designed as a three-storey building, rectangular in plan with 66.0 x 62.2 m in axes. The first and second floors are 4.8 m in height; the third is 4.2 m in height.

The first floor is to have: technical rooms, a pool for children, a café with 48 seats, changing rooms, shower rooms, rooms for coaches and medical staff, and other staff areas.

The second floor: a 50.0 x 25.0 m pool, a room for training exercises, changing rooms, shower rooms, rooms for coaches, coffee rooms and service-utility and staff rooms.

The third floor: viewing stand for 710 people, office-utility and staff rooms.

For now, the design documentation is developed and the state report is received.

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