Creating a library intellectual center - АНО "АИР" Агентство инновационного развития Ульяновской области

For participants



 The project is aimed at modernization of the “Dvorets knigi” (Palace of the Book) library and creation on its basis of the multi-purpose information center. The project presupposes the following zoning of the library area.

1st floor

The electronic record system: modern stand helps the readers to record individually, to register their next visits, and to control the returns of librarian books.

Module room for various events is equipped with audio and video devices and module screens.

2nd floor

Information Center with electronic reading room. Each desk is equipped with a computer with Internet access, and readers are able to use electronic databases of Russian libraries, including e-books, periodical publications, reference books and encyclopedias, legal books and systems. The information center consists of two rooms: for adult and young readers and for children and teenagers.

Youth Communication Center is an open platform for informal communication among the young with free Wi-Fi area.

“Play and read” play space

The play space allows children to get acquainted with books and characters with the help of toys, board games, outdoor games, films and cartoons based on literary works, electronic crosswords and quizzes.

3rd floor – divided into:

Zone 1 – Modern reading room, equipped with Wi-Fi area and laptops, where readers can use both paperbacks and electronic text databases, Internet data, as well as e-books.

Zone 2 – Portable space called “neFORMAT”, equipped with conference call facilities, module furniture for Round Table meetings, and exposition stands.

This space is designed as an exhibition and business center for different types of exhibitions (from art to design ones), as well as for business meetings, round tables, meetings of public boards.


Я принимаю условия Политики конфиденциальности